Rayid Salah
Rayid SalahFlash 90

The Supreme Monitoring Committee of the Arabs of Israel set up a protest tent in front of the Prime Minister's office in Jerusalem in protest of the rising violence in the Arab sector.

Sheikh Rayid Salah, the leader of the Islamic movement in the northern areas of Israel and currently a senior member of the Supreme Monitoring Committee of the Arabs of Israel, accused the Israeli establishment of being involved in the incidents of violence in the Arab sector and of failing to act against criminal gangs.

Salah said: "This tent is intended to raise awareness against the official Israeli establishment, which we suspect has a role in dealing with the epidemic of violence in the Palestinian interior, especially in light of the issuance of official statements by senior officials in the Israeli government regarding their involvement with the perpetrators of crime ".

According to him, the protest tent is intended to reveal the true face of the Israeli establishment, and to show that it is not a lack of budget, but rather the lack of a clear and official policy in the direction required to curb the violence in the Palestinian interior.

Salah also claimed that the criminals are using weapons that originate from the IDF, which he finds suspicious. He called for the Israeli establishment to play its role in the fight to eradicate violence.

According to data from the Abraham Initiatives organization, from the beginning of this year until mid-May, 77 Arabs lost their lives in circumstances related to violence and crime, of which 71 were citizens, 6 were non-citizens. 69 of the victims were shot to death, 38 of the victims were under 30 years old, 5 were women, 1 was injured in 2022 and died this year, and 1 was shot by policemen.