Murray (Moshe) Foltyn, 42, father of a 3-year-old boy and a 9-month-old baby, from Sydney, Australia has a rare blood cancer. He urgently needs a stem cell transplant to save his life.
No suitable donor has been found in bone marrow registries anywhere globally. Jewish communities around the world are coordinating recruitment campaigns among the Jewish public to rally more people and have them checked if they are a match for Foltyn
Ezer Mizion, which runs the world’s largest Jewish bone marrow registry, is in contact with the family, working to recruit new potential stem cell donors and locate a donor in Israel, the US and Canada. If you are of Ashkenazi origin, aged 18-45, generally healthy and have never joined a registry, please contact Ezer Mizion’s bone marrow registry, 40 Kaplan Street, Petach Tikvah, Sunday through Thursday, from 8:30 to 16:00. You can join the registry with a simple cheek swab and be checked if you are a match for Foltyn or any other patient in need of a stem cell transplant. Extensive testing is also being done at the IDF recruitment base among IDF recruits and elsewhere as well. Come down and get tested or call to order a cheek swab kit: 03-927-7772.
Foltyn's family makes an emotional appeal to the public: "We ask everyone who can to please answer our call and do a cheek swab to save our beloved Murray’s life. You might be the one who could save him!“
Dr. Bracha Zisser, Director of Ezer Mizion’s registry: “We are in touch with the family and are doing everything possible to find a suitable donor who can save Murray. We need you! Please join Ezer Mizion’s registry. It’s painless and simple and - if you are found to be Murray’s match - the donation process is similar to a blood donation, truly not complicated. It's about saving someone’s life in a relatively easy way! Come and get tested or call to order a cheek swab kit: 03-927-7772.”