March 9 & 10, 2023 - Parashat Ki Tisa 5783
Shabbos Parshas Ki Tisa
Eric S. Goldstein is the CEO of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of NY.
A Jewish and Democratic State Today — and Always
"Israel is core to who I am as a Jew. That was true for me in 1973, a 13-year-old boy living in Queens during the Yom Kippur War, watching Israel fight for its survival."
For the Future of Israel
"I was in Israel last week awaiting the birth of a grandchild — an event of unalloyed personal joy. But with the ongoing political turmoil around judicial reform, I spent much of the week meeting with senior Israeli leaders from both the governing coalition and opposition."
"Seek the Miraculous"
Rabbi Harold Kanotopsky (z"l) on Parashat Ki Tissah.
"Can There Be Compassion Without Justice
Rabbi Berel Wein on Parashat Ki Tissah.
"Making the Count"
An excerpt from Unlocking the Torah Text by Rabbi Shmuel Goldin on Ki Tissah.
"The Thirteen Attributes"
Rav Avraham Broida on Parashat Ki Tissah.