Hillel Neuer, Executive Director United Nations Watch, an NGO which fights media bias within the walls of the UN, recounted his experience from yesterday, when he witnessed how rogue regimes such as China and Iran exploit the UN Human Rights Council for their political benefit.
"Today I was at the U.N. Human Rights Council, and here's a story on what I saw. First, UNHRC official Alena Douhan reported on her visits to Iran and Zimbabwe, and described both regimes as victims of vicious and illegal Western sanctions," he wrote, adding: "Just so you know who this UN “independent human rights expert” is, last year Douhan accepted a $200,000 donation from China — when she also headlined a Beijing-sponsored online propaganda event under the banner 'Xinjiang is a Wonderful Land.'"

Neuer went on to blast the UN's covering up of human rights violations by states who proclaim they're doing it in the name of "freedom and equality."
"UNbelievable," he continued - a play on words featuring the UN. "China gave $200,000 to the U.N. human rights envoy Alena Douhan to help the regime whitewash their ethnic cleansing of the Uyghurs. Tomorrow Douhan wraps up a propaganda visit to Iran. We are calling on US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, to condemn this cynical abuse..."
At this point, Neuer says he had had enough, and proceeded to take a walk down the halls of the "prestigious institution."
Once outside, however, Heuer says he saw, "A massive Iranian regime photo exhibit" recounting the Islamic Republic's plight in the face of Western sanctions.

"Iranian regime propaganda inside the UN human rights council chamber, and then Iranian regime propaganda in the corridor. I had enough," he wrote. "I turned around to leave, and this is what I saw: A statue of the Goddess of Justice — with a plaque thanking Assad’s Syrian regime for the gift. Standing there, right outside the UN’s highest human rights body."

"Iran regime, Iran regime, Assad Syria regime…I needed to get away and sit down. So I opened the closest door, and suddenly found this fantastic room, with all of the most modern amenities, and luxurious leather seats. I took out my laptop to start doing some work," continued Neuer.
"And then I looked up and saw where I was: the UN’s $20 million 'Qatar Hall'—sponsored by the same regime that caused 6,750 migrant workers to die for 2022 World Cup; discriminates against women; and funds Al Qaeda in Syria, Jihadis in Libya and Somalia, the Taliban and Hamas."
"That was it," he recounts. "Propaganda from vicious regimes inside the UNHRC, on the walls outside, on statues in the corridor, and the adjacent hall. I had it. I left the magnificent Palais—site of the former League of Nations—and walked out to the square outside. And what I saw was this: A massive Iranian-funded outdoor exhibit in the main square facing the UN — again, accusing the West of committing human rights abuses for sanctioning the murderous Iranian regime."