The State of Israel cannot afford to continue to behave like a small and conflicted community in exile. Faced with the national challenges and the historical mission of the people of Israel - we simply do not have this privilege. The spiral we have entered in recent years must stop.
The State of Israel needs a broad and stable national government that will take care of the cost of living, governance and other pressing problems. A government whose center of gravity is right-wing that will know how to bring about the correction of the ills in the democratic apparatus in Israel.
The talk of 'yes Bibi, no Bibi,' is destroying Israel. One-sided boycotts are destroying Israel. I was not ready in the past and I am not ready now to take part in this game of boycotts on the backs of the citizens of Israel. If the boycotts continue, I will in no way allow the country to be dragged into another election. This has always been my position.
After these elections, I will do everything to establish a stable and broad government, but if the boycotts continue, I will make sure that a right-wing government is formed - in my way. Responsibly, while maintaining the state's institutions and from a cohesive worldview and loyalty to our path. We only have one country.
This is my truth. it always has been. You know me well from my first days in the Israeli public eye as a woman of the ideological right and as a woman of action. I haven't changed. From my days My Israel, through my tenure as chairman of the Jewish Home faction and ending with the Ministry of Justice and the Interior. I entered politics so that the right would stop only talking about the right. I am proud that in the last decade my partners and I have brought about a change in the discourse and a demonstration of the ability to execute - on the political, legal and economic level. The right-wing camp has changed for the first time. No more implementing leftist policies as a decree of fate.
As Minister of Justice, I brought a about a change in the face of the Supreme Court while building a strong conservative camp. As Minister of the Interior, I established settlements in the Negev, pushed for massive construction throughout the country, including Judea and Samaria, and eliminated oppressive regulation on business owners. I still have a lot of work to do.
Yes, I made mistakes. No human being is free from mistakes. As a public servant I made decisions, some of which turned out to be wrong. But I always acted with only the best interests of the State of Israel in mind. Now I have to learn to fix and charge while moving forward.
Today I am returning home to the place where my heart is.
We will rebuild a home for the practical and responsible right, and of course for religious Zionism, in all its shades - Sephardi, Ashkenazi, religious, traditional, from the center of the country and from the settlements which I love so much.