Static and Ben-El
Static and Ben-ElYonatan Sindel/Flash90

Popular Israeli musical duo Static and Ben-El announced on Thursday that they were splitting up, after seven years of a successful partnership, and would be focusing on "exploring ourselves individually and bringing new music that breaks boundaries."

In a joint statement on their social media accounts, Static (whose real name is Liraz Russo) and Ben-El Tavori wrote that it was "time for each of us to go his own way."

"The incredible project called ‘Static and Ben-El’ changed our lives forever," they added. "From two kids with a dream to the band of the decade, with millions of views, thousands of performances in Israel and abroad and a dream that came true — all thanks to you."

They added that the decision to part ways had not been "an easy one, but ... we still love each other very much and of course we will support each other in everything."

Four years ago, the pair signed a deal worth $5 million with Capitol Records, a ten-year contract. It remains unclear what will happen for the six remaining years.