A fire
A fireצילום: Shutterstock

“I had a normal childhood, until our plata caught fire one shabbos. The fire spread while we were sleeping, and killed three of my siblings, and both of my parents. My brother and I were able to escape.

From then on we lived with foster families, moving from place to place. I never really felt like I had a “family” again.

Baruch Hashem now I am a kallah, but I don’t know where to start. I work the cash register in a grocery store and my chassan is a repair man. We just want to build a bayis ne’eman b’yisrael, but getting married has so many more expenses than I realized.

I’ve never felt so alone.” - Leah*, 21


This month, a large group of orphans like Leah are getting married. Their details have been gathered and their tragedies confirmed, and the situation was brought to a special beis din of the world’s most respected rabbanim.

Rabbi Mordechai Gross, Rabbi Naftali Nussbaum, and Rabbi Binyomin Finkel wrote the following powerful letter to the public on their behalf:

“We have gathered here and the stories of 63 orphans have come before us, they are about to get married and they have no means to pay the necessary expenses. Therefore, we ask from each person to partner with us to pay the wedding expenses generously. We ask that each person gives 10 for each orphan.

Each person who does so should merit measure for measure to celebrate a simchah in their own homes soon. They should not know any sorrow or pain. They should merit children and yiddishe nachat from all their descendants. They should be saved from the damaging effect of technology, and Hashem should fulfill all their wishes for the good, with abundant parnassah and all the yeshuot.

Rav Mordechai Gross shlita

Rav Naftali Nussbaum shlita

Rav Binyomin Finkel shlita”

*Details changed to protect the orphans’ privacy