Every year the European Union and its member states pour over 400 million Euros into the coffers of the Palestinian Authority. As Israelis know all too well a substantial portion of this money is spent by Mahmoud Abbas and his cronies to reward the families of those who murder Jews. Just in 2016 these blood-stipends amounted to US$303 million.

As a European Gentile this pains me deeply. After all, as a European taxpayer I am as complicit in the murder of innocent Jews as was the average German citizen during the Third Reich. Since I cannot stop paying taxes, allow me to make atonement for the murders my government funds, by providing fellow Zionists, Jews and Israelis with a piece of advice.

Don’t rely on European goodwill or European good-faith. Whether the indifference of most European leaders to Jewish blood is due to atavistic antisemitism or pragmatic Realpolitik is irrelevant. What matters is the end result. This end result must be challenged with the same ruthlessness masked as benevolent humanism that European leaders have mastered.

Israel’s government or – alternatively – a Zionist philanthropist, should announce that in view of the unspeakable traumas that Africans, Asians and Latin Americans experience due to the legacy of European colonialism and imperialism, and in the light of the destitution faced by the families of people convicted for harming Europeans, grants and scholarships will be paid out to the families of future convicts.

This philanthropic grant should be announced with maximum media fanfare in order to galvanize European outrage and indignation. To make sure that this outrage and indignation are channeled constructively, the donors involved in this initiative should clarify that these grants will be suspended as soon as the European Union and its member states persuade the Palestinian Authority to cease its pay-to-slay policy.

Such a proposal might generate another wave of European antisemitism. However, after the antisemitic  murders at a German synagogue on Yom Kippur, and since the European establishment blames Jews and their state regardless of culpability, this antisemitism would be nothing new under the sun. Furthermore, if the funders of these stipends are threatened with prosecution for abetting the harming of Europeans, I am sure the fine print of these grants can be phrased in such a way as to make it legally clear that the sole purpose of the grant is to alleviate the deprivation and suffering of blameless human beings in the Southern Hemisphere.

With regard
A former German Ambassador... had the gall to remark to me that since European funds are earmarked for humanitarian and development projects, there is nothing objectionable in funding an entity that pays people to murder Jews.  
 to European patronage of the Palestinian Authority, a former German Ambassador with law degrees from prestigious German and American universities once a had the gall to remark to me that since European funds are earmarked for humanitarian and development projects, there is nothing objectionable in Europeans funding an entity that pays people to murder Jews.  For this reason, Europeans should not complain if Zionists choose to provide decent housing and scholarships to the children of Latin Americans, Asians and Africans whose relatives are convicted of harming Europeans.

As outrageous as this proposal may sound to a nation accustomed to repaying evil with goodness, it is high-time that Jews stop turning the other cheek.  Especially since this initiative will not need to disburse a single penny in order provoke a media ruckus that makes tens of millions of decent Europeans aware of something that right now only pro-Israel activists know:

In 2019, Europe still subsidizes the murder of Jews.