In the cocooned-safety of Tehran, Persia, the black-turbaned Shiite Ayatollah Khamenei tweets about his love of children learning to read. Meanwhile, in the pursuit of his Persian genocide of the Jewish and Arab peoples, Khamenei inflames, instigates, and arms any Muslim who wants to kill any Jew, Christian, or any other sectarian form of Islam. All Arab Islamic extremists, whether they be Shiite, Sunni, Sufi are welcome to Khamenei’s weapons and military advice, although murderous Shiites are preferred.
Ayatollah Khamenei, and his band of megalomaniacal Iranian henchmen, are literally and figuratively fighting to the last drop of the blood of two million Shiite Alawites of Syria. And, with the Syrian rebels about to capture the topographic gateway to the Alawite-predominated Lattakia Syrian coast, Shiite Alawite blood is about to torrent.
As Khamenei piously, ad nuseam, intones the sanctity and purity of his Iranian Shiite Revolution, other events are taking place. For example, at 5 a.m. in the morning in Tehran, the children of his genocidal Shiite henchmen are tooling around Tehran in 2015 Porsche Boxter GTS two-seaters, one of which recently, after accelerating to 120 miles an hour and hitting trees, resulted in the deaths of the two Iranian elite teenagers inside. In the New York Times report “In Iran, Fatal Porsche Crash Unleashes Middle-Class Anger at Elites”, the story relates that:
“What rankled most was the cocktail of double standards that the crash symbolized, particularly the intertwined issues of rising corruption and inequality.
"During the tenure of the former president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a select few, often well-connected, individuals were catapulted into fabulous wealth after having been granted rights to sell oil, dollars and gold. These “middlemen” started venturing into other businesses, often spreading a culture of corruption, economists and government, officials say.
"Many of these middlemen continue to sport their three-day revolutionary beards, in a sign of their loyalty to the system. But their children shop in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for designer clothes, and tool around in expensive cars in a country where prices for everyday goods have tripled or more and many can no longer afford a new car, even locally produced."
In contrast, the semi-official Mashregh news website reported in September that nearly 100,000 luxury cars had been imported since 2009, even though the owners have to pay a tax of 140 percent. So a Porsche like the 2015 Boxster GTS that was wrecked in the crash, selling for about $75,000 in the United States, would cost at least $178,000 in Iran, depending on availability.
Many of the car owners drive around town picking up girls, in a practice locally called “dor, dor,” the Shahrvand newspaper reported on Wednesday.
“The nouveaux riches dress, speak and act differently, in contempt of urban and social rules,” said Nader Karimi Joni, a journalist and activist, explaining the rage provoked by the crash. “They show off their privileged situation and enjoy humiliating others.””
So, while Khamenei preaches sobriety, piety, and planting trees, the ruling class of Iran is raking in gazillions of dollars in profits based on sowing bedlam and mayhem and instigating the murders of hundreds of thousands of Muslims Arabs and thousands of Jews throughout the world. There are two reasons the Iranian ruling class loves the sanctions: first they are developing a nuclear arsenal to create even more chaos, and second, they love the sanctions that create an Iranian black-market where they can exploit their own Iranians.
Khamenei’s Revolution is a fraud, and Khamenei is the Grand Ayatollah of Genocidal Lies.
And where is President Obama, the erstwhile leader of the free world? Obama is enabling this genocidal Islamo-Nazi corrupt regime to acquire a nuclear weapons arsenal. Obama has to now guard American-flagged ships through the Straits of Hormuz with US destroyers, so Iran won’t hijack them. But, the Obama who can’t trust Iran not to hijack US-flagged ships in the Persian Gulf, is the same Obama who is trusting Iran with an nuclear-weapons’ making industrial infrastructure buried deep inside Iranian mountains.
Which bring us to the question: Would Iran arm Assad with a nuclear bomb if it could? Assad’ has already murdered 300,000 Syrians. What’s another 300,000, or 1,000,000 Shiite or Sunni Syrians to Assad or Khamenei? And, what would the world do? Absolutely nothing. Why? Because Iran could, and would, use the nuclear bombs on them next.