Everybody is against the Jews. Again.

Between 1948 and 1967, the Arabs knew the shame of disastrous defeats in three wars, but they never gave up, and now again are trying to flood the small Jewish island formed in their boundless ocean. It was predictable; sooner or later it had to happen.

The Arabs are always looking to the past and and seem unable to turn towards a future where there is the State of Israel. Theirs is a kind of hypnosis: destroy Israel, whatever the cost. From the Palestinian Arabs to the Islamic State to Hezbollah, they stay alive and vibrate at the thought of seizing the enemy by the throat and drowning him in the Mediterranean.

In the refusal to allow acceptance and in the boycott of the State of Israel, Europe also expresses a spirit of shame with regard to the great historical and moral values of which it has been the bearer for centuries. The boycott movement grows every day, the anti-Jewish slurs dominate the frontpages and in the streets it is panic or death. Hunting season of the Jews is open again on European soil. 

Then there is Iran, which soon might build the nuclear weapons it needs to dominate the Middle East and incinerate the small Jewish enclave. The US is now giving to the ayatollahs uranium and international support.

Mankind is made of reason and spirit, which need to support each other to merge and give the best fruit. This is precisely the pattern of life and civilization that the Israelis are offering to humanity.
But all of them, the Arabs, the Europeans and the Iranians, must remember that Israel is a new Venice.  In 1571, the sloth of Europe and the alliance between France and the Sultan opened the gate for Venice's fall with the march of the Ottomans over Vienna. But there is a difference, one that the Arabs, Europe and Iran should take pains to understand: the Jewish State is not willing to meet the fate of Marcantonio Bragadin, Venice’s governor, who was flayed alive by the Turks, his ears and nose cut off after resisting for eleven months.

Israel’s siege has lasted seventy years. That is why today the Jewish State attracts the immense self-hatred typified by the languid opinions and the mysterious Western will to surrender. Israel is a scandalous solitary fortress. A small people in a small territory, and with the whole world against them.

Everybody gives up: why not Israel? It drives them crazy.

And in Israel’s refusal to surrender there is also the key to Western survival.

Mankind is made of reason and spirit, which need to support each other to merge and give the best fruit. This is precisely the pattern of life and civilization that the Israelis are offering to humanity.

In ancient times the higher and brighter harmony was the century of Pericles. We experienced another moment of splendor when the humanistic spirit swept away the Medieval darkness and opened the way to the Renaissance. But nowadays, Western civilization is threatened again by people who want to destroy all spiritual values. This is the source of the deep yearning that is bringing those of us who hold that civilization dear to place our hopes in Israel.