This week, at least in the secular calendar, marks the anniversary of one of Am Yisrael's most important events, the Six-Day War. It was a moment that changed history, enthralled - and shocked - the world, and set into play a ripple effect that is felt to this very day.

To a Jew of Faith, it was a miracle of Biblical proportions. But, like all miracles, it not only affirmed our faith, it tested it as well.

For 2000 years, we prayed daily for a return to Zion. We maintained our link to Israel by facing Yerushalayim in prayer, by reciting "Next Year in Jerusalem" twice a year, by being buried with a bit of soil from the Holy Land. We modeled our shuls after the Beit HaMikdash.

And then, in the first half of the 20th century, Hashem allowed us to reclaim our ancient homeland. We won a stunning victory against all odds and Israel was born anew.

But the new state was small and beleaguered. Jerusalem was split in half, the holy sites in foreign hands. "Is this the Redemption we waited for?" wondered world Jewry. Essentially, only those Jews fleeing persecution in Europe or the Arab world made aliyah.

And so, Hashem intervened once again. In 1967, we crushed our enemies, established solid borders from the river to sea, from the great mountain in the north to the great desert in the south. Our holy places were once again in our hands, our capital reunited. With such an overt show of Divine blessing, would world Jewry - especially Jews of faith - answer the call and come home?

The answer to that all-important question controls our fate. To be sure, we have much to be proud of. Our population - keyn yirbu - has multiplied ten-fold, while Jewish communities worldwide have withered. We soon will constitute, i.y.H., a majority of world Jewry.

But for Jews of Faith, a nagging doubt, a persistent Yetzer Hara still lurks in the shadows: Is Israel the long-awaited promise, or is it Galut with a Kotel? Are we partnering with G-d in order to bring Redemption, or do we remain pawns in the hand of secular geopolitical forces?

For six glorious days, G-d worked. It is left to us to do the Rest.

[With thanks to good friend David K.]