However, as so many pastors and Catholic priests know, my sense of caring extends to others. My law students of sixteen years know that, too. I am a true humanitarian: I don’t want the government taking my money to care for others. I want to accept that personal responsibility. First, that way I know the money is going where I want it to go. Second, I know it is not being wasted.
The most charitable people in America include shul-attending Orthodox Jews. We do not virtue-signal. We do the deed.
Ocasio-Cortez prevented Amazon from creating great-paying jobs in her district, but she wears designer dresses now that she is on the public payroll.
Ninety percent of Black voters place their faith in Democrat liberal pronouncements of charity — which they call “entitlements” — and look how that pays. (“Entitlements” is a dishonest word. No one is “entitled” to food stamps, welfare, or anything else paid from my money.) From the moment Black America placed itself 90 percent in the pocket of Democrat liberals and progressives, Black America consigned itself to a new form of slavery. Democrats are the most persistent hate group in American history.
All it takes to succeed in America — as in post-1977 Israel — is determination, accepting personal responsibility, and working hard. You want proof? Look at one sub-group of successful Blacks in America: the basketball and football athletes. LeBron James may demand reparations and be prepared to sell out the persecuted and oppressed in China in return for Nike endorsement contracts, but he works hard, night and day, to be a great basketball player. He never sought “affirmative action” to get into the National Basketball Association — and they won’t give it. He alternately will sell his skills to a Cleveland buyer, then to a Miami buyer, then back to a Cleveland buyer, then to a Los Angeles buyer — and always to a Chinese Communist buyer. If you want loyalty, you do not look to LeBron James. He may virtue-signal, but he is at bottom always looking out for Number One.
I am the one who volunteers: If execution by electric chair, may I throw the switch? If by hanging, may I push the floor lever? If by firing squad, may I have the rifle with the live ammo? I want him dead. Would I lose sleep if I were the one to execute? Heck, no.
It is the fate of Jews that some people always will hate us. This phenomenon never will end. A tenant who falls months behind in rent will have landlord problems, but if the landlord is a Jew suddenly that becomes the gripe. A landlord whose tenant will not pay will evict, but if that tenant is a Jew suddenly that supersedes. Karl Marx and all the leading Soviet Communists who followed — chief among them Stalin — blamed Jews for capitalism and, as Stalin manifested during his Show Trials and Purges, set about to destroy and utterly eradicate the Jewish people.
Yet the Right equally obsessively and blindly blame “the Jews” for such vicious life-long anti-Semites as Karl Marx and Stalin, and for other apostate Leftist Jews like George Soros and Bernie Sanders who affiliate hand-in-hand almost exclusively with Jew-haters like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and the Black Supremacist crowd.
The anti-Semite on the Left points to Rothschild as the cause of all capitalist injustice, and the other on the Right to Trotsky as the quintessential Jew. So Alisa Rosenbaum changed her name to Ayn Rand, Betty Perske to Lauren Bacall, and Bernie Schwartz to Tony Curtis — just to get an even break. Or, as Rodney Dangerfield would have said, to get some respect. (Yes, he began as Jacob Cohen.)
You show me a college whose student government has voted for BDS Jew-hatred, and I’ll show you a college with a full-time highly salaried Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness.
For American Jews today, our best friends are found among deeply conservative Protestant Christians and devout Catholics. Our worst enemies enjoy their own equal top billing: haters among White supremacists, Black supremacists like Black Lives Matter founders, and Islamists who hate and murder everyone including other Islamists in competing factions. Historically, Jews encountered centuries of hate from the Right (tsars, kaisers, sultans, theological clerics), so Jews became especially wary of the Right. They simply never had encountered the other political expression, so the non-Orthodox imagined that the Left would be better. Orthodox Jews always knew better.
From the very moment that Leninist-Stalinist Communism appeared, it became equally clear that Left ideology also has no room for Jews. A half century of Soviet Jewish experience so testifies, and that is why a million of them fled to Israel the moment Mother Russia’s walls were punctured.
So it is hardly surprising that, even as the media lie about a supposed prevalence of “Islamophobia” and the Democrats adopt policies to “combat Islamophobia,” it all is one more Russia Hoax and January 6 Insurrection Hoax. FBI data are clear: the only overriding form of religious hatred that remains prevalent in the U.S. is Jew-hatred. Hundreds of millions of non-Jews in America either love us or simply do not pay us special attention. Both approaches are appreciated equally.
But the sick minds of haters fixate on us. Black haters, like the ones who dominate so much contemporary anti-Semitism, like the ones who shot Jews in Jersey City and Monsey, New York, and who beat up Jews on the Brooklyn streets of Williamsburg and Crown Heights, fixate on us just as do the mentally ill White supremacists like those who shot up Pittsburgh and Poway. Both those groups are in league with the sort of Muslims like the filth who recently caused grief at the reform temple in Texas, reminiscent of his fellow “workplace violence” Muslim extremist who murdered 13 American soldiers and wounded 31 others at Fort Hood during the Obama years.
It did not matter a whit to that Muslim Arab Jew-hater that the rabbi he held hostage actually had signed a public letter attacking Israel’s Jewish rights to sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.