Following the rocket fire from Lebanon Wednesday afternoon, IAF jets attacked Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon. According to a spokesman for the army, these included terrorist infrastructure and areas from which the rockets were fired.
Former head of the IDF Military Intelligence, Maj. Gen. (Res.) Amos Yadlin, was interviewed by Radio 103FM following the incident. "Our intelligence isn't where it used to be," he said. "This attack took place in broad daylight unlike of previous ones that were launched at night, and came from a Shiite rather than Sunni-controlled area of the country. Hezbollah is in charge in southern Lebanon as well as just about everywhere else. There is a very difficult question that needs to be answered here: Are we going to approach attacks from Lebanon the same way as ones coming from Gaza?" he wondered.
"The Second Lebanon War would have ended in six days if we had targeted Lebanon's infrastructure," he said, adding: "Not only are we ignoring that aspect of the battle because allegedly it doesn't existent, Hezbollah is also getting a deal here. We have very good intelligence on the situation in southern Lebanon, and need to make Hezbollah know they have plenty to lose while renew our policy of deterrence."