Is the threat of the British mutation in the past? The morbidity rate from the coronavirus remains low and the number of patients in serious condition continues to decline.
In addition, the number of pregnant women hospitalized in coronavirus wards has dropped precipitously. This is significant because the British variant of the coronavirus was found to affect pregnant women at a greater rate than the original strain and was responsible for the hospitalization of a significant number of pregnant women during the winter.
Over the past year, 257 women gave birth at Beilinson Hospital while infected with the coronavirus, Three of the women were in critical condition and connected to ECMO machines.
Prof. Arnon Viznitzer, director of the Women's Hospital, said: "In the last three weeks, no pregnant women have been hospitalized at all in the wards, and it should be noted that we check every woman giving birth who enters the delivery room so if there was anyone who was positive for the corona we would know for sure."
Prof. Viznitzer added that "during the year we treated 257 women who were positive for the coronavirus, three of whom were in critical condition and connected to the ECMO machine. Thank G-d they all recovered and left the hospital with a baby in their hands. From the experience we have gained and this is also evident from the data that comes from around the world, women during the corona and after the corona gave birth prematurely, some with the intervention of the doctors and some naturally."