Israeli police uncovered a massive drug production facility in a Jerusalem-area town Monday night, a police spokesperson announced Tuesday morning.
Officers raided apartments in the town of Kiryat Yearim (also known as Telz-Stone) just west of the capital Monday night, uncovering a drug facility spanning two housing units and containing hundreds of marijuana plants and equipment for growing the plants indoors.
Police arrested three suspects during the raids and transferred them for interrogation.
The suspects include a couple in their 30s who own the properties where the plants were being raised, as well as a man in his 20s.
The three suspects are slated to be brought before a court in Jerusalem Tuesday for an extension of their remand.
Police say that more than 500 marijuana plants were found during the raid, along with special ventilation systems, watering systems, and lights for growing the plants indoors, as well as tens of thousands of shekels.