Off to school
Off to schoolFlash 90

Education Ministry Director Amit Edri today addressed the issue of studies on Hanukkah.

"We're working in collaboration with the teachers. Since the beginning of the year, even during the closure, they continued to teach and demonstrate educational leadership. We're examining opening schools on Hanukkah," Edri said in an interview with Galei Tzahal.

He noted that this requires a budget. "It is before the Finance Ministry at the moment, it's a matter of raising resources. There's a good response from the teachers, and this will help reduce gaps. We will update in coming days."

In a Reshet Bet interview, Edri was asked for his response to criticism of the outline for returning 10th-12th grade students to school. “We welcome the return of students to schools. The outline is determined according to health restrictions. We're in constant dialogue with the Health Ministry, we'll adjust what's needed in the near future."

He also responded to the school principals' demand to reduce matriculation. "Decisions are made continuously in an ongoing situation assessment. We reduced in advance since the beginning of the year and focused on the issues. We will reduce as much as necessary, focus as needed, and activate mechanisms according to the picture in the field."