MK Miki Zohar
MK Miki ZoharHezki Baruch

Following harsh criticism of perceived threats he made against the Attorney-General, Dr. Avichai Mandelblit, coalition head MK Miki Zohar (Likud) has clarified that he did not actually intend to threaten Mandelblit when he stated that “If Mandelblit doesn’t resign and cancel the indictments against Netanyahu, there’ll be an earthquake here.” Zohar also hinted that former State Attorney Shai Nitzan could reveal damaging information he has on Mandelblit if the latter refuses to go, saying that Nitzan’s material “could put Mandelblit behind bars.”

Responding to Zohar’s words, the Movement for Quality Governance demanded that the police commissioner open an investigation into Zohar for the threats he made – spoken on live radio while he was being interviewed by Radio 103FM.

“This is not proper conduct for elected officials, and certainly not for members of a ruling party. Rather, this is the conduct of a gang member who feels drunk with power, and has a personal agenda to do everything he can to protect a prime minister who has three serious indictments hanging over his head, enabling him to remain in power.”

Sources in the Blue & White party, Likud’s main coalition partners, also criticized Zohar, suggesting that he should step down as coalition chairman.

“Every day that he remains in his position he continues to undermine the stability of the government and drag the country closer to elections. Israel deserves better,” they stated.

Even the Prime Minister directed harsh words against his would-be protector, with a statement from his office insisting that, “MK Miki Zohar spoke without the Prime Minister’s knowledge and did not reflect the personal opinion of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has not discussed this matter with MK Zohar and he disavows his remarks, which he finds unacceptable.”

For his part, Zohar merely noted that he did not actually intend to threaten Mandelblit, adding that, “The time has come for us to stop being so afraid of the judiciary. The things that have come to light in the last few months have shown us that the justice system is rotten to the core, with prosecutors stitching up cases. I did not threaten Mandelblit. But if he has any sense of dignity, then, in light of recent revelations, he will realize that the right thing for him to do is resign.”