Two hasidic yeshiva students arrived in Israel on Sunday - only to be forced to return to London, Kikar Hashabbat reported.
According to a relative of one of the young men, the two were not allowed to enter Israel due to the fact that they lacked the appropriate coronavirus-related documents. As a result, approximately one hour after they landed at Ben Gurion Airport, they were placed on an alternate flight making its way back to London.
The relative also said that the two had used the services of a well-known London businessman, who promised them that they would receive the required approval on Sunday. They trusted this businessman, and therefore they purchased airline tickets to Israel, assuming that the bureaucracy had been taken care of.
According to Kikar Hashabbat, the relative also said that the Population Authority officials at Ben Gurion Airport treated at least one of the young men rudely and disparagingly, and that the official chose not to wait for the attorney who was on his way to Ben Gurion Airport to help the pair, insisting that they immediately return to their home country.
The Population and Immigration Authority told Kikar Hashabbat that investigations show that on Sunday afternoon, two foreigners from London arrived in Israel without prior approval, in complete opposition to the regulations Israel has had in place for the past six months and which were instituted at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak.
The Authority also said that the subject had been publicized in every media possible, including on Kikar Hashabbat, and that a person wishing to immigrate to Israel is required to do so via the accepted process and via the Jewish Agency, and not by giving ultimatums to the authorities while trying to get around the rules and guidelines.
The Authority also noted that the plane to London had been held up, since the young men had refused to board.