The condition of the 14-year-old Samaria resident who was attacked on Purim in Huwara near Shechem significantly improved during the night, and his life is no longer in danger.
"Our son was evacuated from the area fully conscious to the emergency room at Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, where he lost consciousness and began having seizures. He was immediately placed under anesthesia and on a respirator, and then transferred to the department specializing in head injuries in Schneider Hospital," the injured boy's father said Thursday.
The next morning the boy was admitted for surgery. "In surgery, our son's entire forehead was opened, the top part of his skull was removed, reconnected, glued to a metal plate and then closed back up," the father describes the operation. "Thank G-d there's no internal injury at all."
Towards evening, the doctors began to take the boy off sedation and late in the evening he woke up. "This morning he's woken up completely. Our son remembers everything. There are of course many pains associated with surgery and being wounded and in the near future he'll be on painkillers. Hopefully he'll already be out of intensive care today, after another x-ray to make sure everything is fine. G-d willing in a few days please he'll come home."
"We want to thank the thousands of people who said Psalms all over the world. We know that hundreds of Psalms were recited at the critical time when our son was between life and death," the father added. "We'd like to thank the surgeon and head of the neurosurgery department at Schneider who did an amazing job. Thanks to the Schneider ICU, thanks to Meir Hospital who helped stabilize his condition during the critical hours. Thank you everyone."
While the boy is out of danger one can still pray for the speedy recovery of Tzadok Aryeh Ben Ayelet HaShachar.
Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan spoke to the boy's father yesterday and today, kept up to date on his situation, and informed him of the attacker's capture.
Dagan said: "This is a terror incident and attempted murder. We expect the authorities to act accordingly. I'd like to praise the IDF soldiers who captured the terrorists. I expect them to be punished with the utmost severity, appropriately for terrorists who tried to murder two boys."