Surprise IDF exercise
Surprise IDF exerciseIDF Spokesman

The second surprise exercise conducted by the IDF Chief of Staff has concluded. The exercise was designed to enhance Northern Command combat readiness.

In the exercise, forces of the 36th and 91st Divisions took part, along with the Air Force, Ground Forces, the Intelligence Directorate, the C4I Directorate, and the Technology and Maintenance Directorate. Moreover, thousands of reserve soldiers participated - units expected to take part in emergency missions in times of need. Forces practiced quick transitioning from routine to emergency and from defense to attack, and force and equipment concentration, coordination, and deployment.

IDF Spokesman

IDF Northern Command continues to promote various efforts to develop and acquire state-of-the-art weapons, deepening intelligence quality and objectives, planning processes, formulating military doctrine, and unceasing efforts to stop the enemy from accumulating intelligence. This is to ensure the security of Northern Israeli communities in routine and emergency.

The exercise was the second in a series of trials led by the Chief of Staff conducted once every few months. The exercise was set as part of the IDF's annual training regimen for 2019 and is intended for improving combat readiness for northern scenarios. The Operations Directorate along with the Ground Forces Training Center were in charge of managing the exercise and initiating the units.

IDF 91st Division Commander Brig. Gen. Shlomi Binder said: "The exercise is another tier of improvement in terms of readiness in the North. We are in a continuous process of improving force readiness for the next campaign. The last two days contributed to the precision of our goals in defense and attack."

IDF Spokesman
IDF Spokesman