Three suspicious packages were found Friday in downtown New York, CNN reported.
On Friday morning, bomb squad officers working with NYPD's counter-terrorism division said the first two packages were not explosive.
Authorities are looking into whether the packages, discovered to be empty and unmodified rice cookers found near the Fulton Street subway station in Lower Manhattan, were accidentally left behind, CNN added. One of the packages was left at Fulton and Williams streets, while the other was found on a nearby subway platform, a law enforcement official clarified.
Seconds after the packages were declared safe, the third package, which appeared similar to them, was found near West 16th Street and 7th Avenue.
Pix11 has reported that the third package was also an empty rice cooker, and that it had been declared safe.
NBC 4 New York reported that NYPD is investigating whether the three discoveries are connected.