Head of the Bnei Akiva yeshivas, Rabbi Haim Druckman, released a rare video criticizing police forces, the Shin Bet security service and the means by which they are interrogating the youths who were arrested in connection to a suspected security incident and are forbidden from meeting with a lawyer.
In the video, Rabbi Druckman asked the prime minister to release the youths. "I appeal to the prime minister from the depths of my heart to order the immediate release of the three young boys, the three youths detained by the Shin Bet."
It was since reported that two more minors from the same yeshiva as the three arrested last week were arrested tonight.
"If there is a problem, it is appropriate to investigate them as they do everyone in the State of Israel, but under no circumstances in the cellars of the Shin Bet," the rabbi said.
The rabbi criticized the Shin Bet's conduct and expressed concern over the running of the state. "They are not terrorists. And I am concerned about the proper and just administration of the State of Israel. 'Justice, justice you shall pursue' - justice must be pursued with justice, not injustice.”
Rabbi Druckman concluded with a request to the Prime Minister: "I really ask you to order that this injustice be stopped immediately."
The video will also be screened at a demonstration in Jerusalem this evening, Saturday, with the participation of rabbis, public figures, council heads and residents from Judea and Samaria protesting the Shin Bet's handling of the affair.