After Education Minister and Jewish Home Chairman Naftali Bennett opposed the restraint policy in the south and a temporary agreement with Hamas, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman received surprising support from Meretz Chairwoman MK Tamar Zandberg.
"Cabinet members mustn't be drawn after fervor and populists but vote for a long-term arrangement that will save victims a futile round of bloodshed and the final terms of which can be achieved now," Zandberg said.
Former Peace Now head Yariv Oppenheimer tweeted: "Naftali Bennett I don't forgive you for forcing me to defend Liberman and Netanyahu. Enough selling illusions; there's no magic button to make Hamas disappear. The clear Israeli interest is not to enter into another confrontation and to reach an arrangement."
Bennett announced last night that Jewish Home ministers would oppose the agreement being forged between Israel and Hamas because it would bring temporary peace, and that Lieberman's gesture to Hamas was a mistake.
Bennett said, “This ‘quiet’ will award Hamas total immunity to replenish tens of thousands of rockets threatening all parts of the country, and allow them to launch a war against Israel at a time and under conditions most convenient to them.
“There's an alternative that doesn't involve a ground operation into Gaza, which we oppose,” he said, and added, “We've initiated a plan to eliminate the terror from Gaza without maneuvering ground forces into Gaza, yet exacting a decisive price from Hamas. We put forward the plan in the relevant security forums – at this stage it hasn't yet been adopted, but we'll continue to promote this.”