Is someone in Samaria trying to imitate the phenomenon of the incendiary kites from Gaza? On Monday, two incendiary kites landed near the Tura Winery on Mount Gerizim and did not cause any damage, but are we witnessing a change in trend in Judea and Samaria? Arutz Sheva discussed the incident with Vered Ben Saadon, owner of the winery.
"We are in the midst of the grape harvest. Our guys arrived at 3 o’clock in the morning and started working. At 8:00 a.m., one of them was touring the vineyards when he saw two kites between the trees. He quickly realized that they were incendiary kites because their tails were burnt," said Ben Saadon.
She noted that there were no doubts about the destination of the kites, especially in light of the long thread that ran from them to the nearby village of Burin, although she could not say with certainty that the kites were indeed sent from Burin.
"I really hope that this was a one-time phenomenon," she said, adding, "I believe that Gaza is trying to pass on the knowledge [on incendiary kites] to people who live in the area. Thankfully, it was unsuccessful. Another important fact is that, unlike the Gaza Belt region, where all the fields are very flammable, we are in a mountainous and rocky area, so here it will be harder for them. In addition, we make sure to keep the area free of weeds, so it will be almost impossible."
Ben Saadon concluded her comments with a direct message to those who sent the kites, "We have gone through more difficult things, we are strong and we are not afraid. Kites are children's games and they will not frighten us, period.”