Nirit Zmora and husband in court
Nirit Zmora and husband in courtHezki Baruch

The sentence of the terrorist who stabbed Nirit Zmora will be given this Monday at the Judea Court in Ofer.

Attorney Haim Bleicher of the Honenu legal organization, which is accompanying the family, said, "We expect a severe punishment of at least 20 years, with an emphasis on the terror law that applies in Israel, which provides for increased punishment for terrorist offenses."

During the trial the terrorist was acquitted of attempted murder and was convicted only of causing injury, since the knife was broken during the stabbing, and according to the judges it was impossible to prove that the terrorist's intention was to murder rather than to only wound Zmora.

As part of the process, a calculation was made of the damage caused by the terrorist to Zmora which amounted to 5 million shekels, including calculation of injury to her, pain and suffering and punitive compensation.