Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat will bring a property tax discount for IDF reservists up for a vote at the city council, the mayor announced Wednesday.
The discount would be granted under the new regulations passed by the Interior Ministry, which allow local authorities to set a discount for active reserve duty soldiers of up to 5% of the total municipal property tax imposed on the holder of a property.
Barkat is seeking the maximum possible discount under the new regulations.
The mayor stated that "as someone who has done more than 60 reserve days a year for years, I know how important it is to honor the Jerusalem reservists who leave their families for many days and nights, under uncomfortable conditions, to protect us."
"These values of loving the land and volunteering for it are what we want to have in mind when making this important decision. I am proud of you," emphasized the mayor.
Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan, who recently met with Barkat to discuss the proposal, said, "I am pleased that Mayor Barkat has accepted my request and will be the first to approve the maximum reduction of municipal taxes for reservists."
"As a major in the reserves who has done more than 50 days of reserve duty a year, I know the great sacrifice that reservists make to keep the citizens of Israel safe. It is our duty to thank them for this," said Rabbi Ben-Dahan.
Deputy Mayor Ofer Berkowitz, who plans to run for mayor in the coming elections, praised Barkat for accepting the proposal. "We will continue to act with all determination in order to continue to advance the cause of the reservists, who are the backbone of Israeli society and strengthen them in Jerusalem"
Israel is a reserve soldier's army. All Israeli ex-soldiers become reservists when they complete their mandatory army service and can be called up for reserve duty every year, the length of the reserve duty depending on the type of unit in which they served. Thirty days is the general reserve duty stint, which can fall on final exams, the tax season for accountants, family occasions and more. There is an attempt on the IDF's part to be somewhat flexible if there is a valid reason for the problem.