נאומו של עו"ד שפטל בועידת ערוץ 7

"Shalom, good evening. I shall speak in Hebrew, translate myself into English, and here and there, I will say a few words in Yiddish.

"When Golda Meir's father, Mabovitch the Carpenter, came to the United States in the late 19th century, Mabovitch der Tischler, Mabovitch the Carpenter, this was his occupation. After two weeks he wrote back home in Yiddish, and this is what he said:

"'Kim schnell; dus iz a Goldener Medineh, und fargess nischt Tzu kim'n mit dem kinderlach tzuzamen'; Come quickly; it's a Golden Country, and don't forget to bring the children with you.' Why did Mabovitch the Carpenter write such a letter back home?

"Because Jews thrive in a democracy and under capitalism. And the United States is a bastion of democracy and capitalism. This is why the Jewish community in the United States, which is a solid bridge to the State of Israel, to the people of Israel, to the Jewish State of Israel, is the most successful Jewish community that ever existed on Earth, looking at it from any aspect whatsoever, whether it's economical, cultural, or any other sphere of life. About a hundred Jewish Americans were awarded the Nobel Prize throughout the years.

"And now, in the Netanyahu era, we can say definitely and unequivocally that Israel is also a democracy, which it was before the Netanyahu era, of course, but now, it's not only a democracy, it's a capitalist democracy. And if we look at the State of Israel in 1996, especially from the economic point of view, and we look at Israel now - in 1996 we had about 17-18 thousand dollars per person in gross domestic product (GDP), and now we are at $41,500.

"The country has thrived economically like never before; numbers were just released of 4.1% 2nd quarter growth, unparalleled in any western developed economy, even not the United States our good friend.

"So I think now, in this decade, we share practically the two most important general values of humanity, which, in my opinion, are democracy and capitalism, therefore the future holds the best common interests and best relationship between us and our really great friend, who hosts, as well, the most prosperous Jewish community that ever existed on earth, the United States of America.

"G-d bless America, G-d bless Israel."