Health Minister Yakov Litzman (UTJ) and Health Ministry Director General Moshe Bar Siman Tov on Thursday morning received the annual influenza (flu) vaccine at a Jerusalem school.
The two received the vaccine together with the third grade children in Jerusalem's Efrata Elementary School.
"The number of children immunized against influenza since we began vaccinating at school has grown," Litzman said. "I call on everyone to immunize themselves and prevent the spread of influenza."
"We call on the public to be vaccinated" Bar Siman Tov said. "Influenza can be a difficult illness, with difficult complications. The best way to avoid these complications is to immunize yourself against the flu. Don't believe tales and half-truths. The vaccination is safe and advisable for everyone."
"Emergency rooms and hospitals are packed during the winter, but so many of those cases can be prevented by vaccination.
"Last year, we began to offer second-graders the option to receive vaccinations at school. This caused a 10% rise in the number of students vaccinated, bringing the total number to over 50%. This year, we added the third grade to the project, and we expect to see an additional rise in the number of students vaccinated, as well as a rise in the number of adults."