Hundreds of Jews at the grave of Othniel Ben Kenaz
Hundreds of Jews at the grave of Othniel Ben KenazArmy Spokerpersons Unit

Over 400 Jews flocked to the tomb of Othniel Ben Kenaz in an Arab neighborhood in Hebron Tuesday.

Othniel Ben Kenaz was the first of the Biblical Judges who took command of the Jewish people after the death of Yehoshua Bin Nun (Joshua).

The tomb is located in the PA-controlled section of Hevron (which encompasses the vast majority of the holy city), and thus is rarely accessible to Jews - despite being located just a few hundred meters west of the Jewish community.

Various IDF forces were mobilized to secure the rare event, including the Golani 12th Battalion and the Border Police.

Visits to historical sites located in Judea and Samaria are held at special events during the year. As such, the next entrance to the tomb of Otniel Ben Kenaz will take place during the intermediate days of Sukkot, in which the IDF will also act to secure and protect the worshipers.