Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef visiting mourning Salomon family
Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef visiting mourning Salomon familySpokesperson for Chief Rabbinate

Six days after three members of the Salomon family were murdered in the terrorist massacre in Neve Tzuf (Halamish), the family will hold a brit milah (ritual circumcision ceremony held when a boy is 8 days old) for the grandson who was born last Thursday.

The brit milah will be held tomorrow in Elad. The public invitation distributed by the family quoted the verse recited during the blessings of a brit milah: “And I passed over you and saw you struggling in your blood. And I said to you: In your blood - you shall live! And I said to you, In your blood - you shall live!”

The invitation reads: "The public is invited to accompany us during the entrance of our son, grandson, nephew, into the covenant of Abraham our Forefather, which will take place on Thursday, July 27, at 5:00 pm at the Vizhnitz Conference Hall in Elad. We will be comforted by your presence.”

The murderous attack on the family home in Neve Tzuf took place just before the beginning of a “Shalom Zachar,” a traditional festive event to mark the birth of Tova and Yossi Salomon’s new grandson, the child whose circumcision is to be held on Thursday. The grandfather, Yossi, was murdered in the attack, as were his two children Elad and Haya.