Chabad rabbi beaten in vicious attack laid to rest

Chabbad emissary whp died six months after being brutally attacked in Ukraine buried on Mt. of Olives.

Chabad emissary Rabbi Mendel Deitsch, who was brutally attacked in Ukraine and died at Tel Hashomer Hospital after a six month battle to save his life, was laid to rest at the Mount of Olives cemetery Sunday.

The funeral procession left for the cemetery from the Shamgar funeral home in Jerusalem.

Rabbi Deitsch, 64, left behind a wife and 11 children.

Rabbi Deitsch was seriously injured days after Rosh Hashanah, which he had spent in the town of Haditch, after a group of hooligans in Ukraine beat him violently, robbing him of his mobile phone and money. Haditch is the resting place of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad hassidism.

He was found unconscious with a very serious head injury and brain trauma several hours after the attack, and was flown to Israel for medical treatment. He passed away six months following the attack.

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