The National Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned on Monday that the string of spring holidays, from Pesach (Passover) until Shavuot would provide an attractive target for terrorists aiming to carry out terror attacks on Israeli and Jewish targets.
It's important to understand that there are no travel bans; however, it's important to understand the security situation.
Regarding Sinai, there is a strict ban whose breach may lead to severe and immediate threat to the traveler's safety.
National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Bureau Chairman Eitan Ben-David said Sinai's Taba Border Crossing may be closed if there are clear warnings of terror attacks.
On Monday morning, Ben-David told reporters that the travel warning was more serious than previously, since "new and serious information had come in about terror attacks planned in the immediate future against tourists in the Sinai, including Israeli tourists."
Thousands of Israeli tourists are expected to spend part of Pesach in the Sinai peninsula.
"When the world sees Israel as powerful, they want to take revenge on Israelis," Ben-David said. "The Israelis' very presence is disturbing. We believe there is a real and serious threat."
However, Ben-David admitted he did not have any concrete information on an whether Hamas attempted or desired to carry out terror attacks around the world after one of its leaders was killed last weekend.
The Counter-Terrorism Bureau is worried about global jihad from various terror organizations, including ISIS and those inspired by it. The concerns of terror attacks aimed at Israeli and Jewish targets applies to neighboring countries such as Turkey, Jordan, and Egypt - all of whom were issued travel warnings - as well as to other countries such as Russia, France, Belgium, Germany, the US, and India.
The Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned Israelis to avoid flying to war zones and Arab countries, as well as to Tunisia and Morocco, eastern Senegal, Cameroon, Chad, and parts of Kenya.