Eliezer and Sarah Rosenfeld, parents of Malachi who was murdered in a shooting attack near the communities of Shvut Rachel and Kida in Samaria on June 29 a year and a half ago, have sent a letter to the courts.
The letter, which was published today (Sunday) in Yediot Acharonot,will be read in the court chamber by the prosecutor, this after the parents decided not to appear in person in court.
They wrote: "We debated whether to attend this court session."
"On the one hand it was important to us that Malachi's personality, spirit, and honor permeate this place. That the court and all those present know what a special and amazing person was taken from this world - and what a loss for all humankind, also the Arabs among us.
"On the other hand we did not want to give place in our hearts and brain cells for a man so degraded cowardly, evil, and horrible as to be someone who plans to murder another human being in the middle of the night like a thief in the dark.
"We ultimately decided that if we could succeed in bringing something of Malachi to the court without seeing with our own eyes the scum who sits before you today, we will do it...
"...He whose soul is constantly involved with doing evil - and we remind the court that the team head who is now in Jordan is one of the men liberated the Shalit deal, so that the evil is allowed to repeat itself - he who is such a one - will receive in this world and in the next that which he deserves."
Thirteen years ago, on March 29, 2002, Malachi's eldest brother, Lt. Yitzchak-Menachem Rosenfeld, 22, was killed in a jeep accident in the Tze'elim Stream, in the Judean Desert. He was a pilot in the IAF.
Yitzhak-Menachem was named after his uncle, Sergeant Yitzhak-Moshe Rosenfeld, who was killed during his military service, in 1978.
Malachi's parents are among the founders of the Kochav Hashachar in Binyamin. The father is a well-known clarinet player, and the mother is a social worker. They have seven children, beside Yitzchak-Menachem and Malachi Moshe.