Scene of Dizengoff shooting.
Scene of Dizengoff shooting.Miriam Alster / Flash 90

The Beach District police announced this evening (Thursday) to the heads of the "Otzma Yehudit," movement, Dr. Michael Ben-Ari, Baruch Marzel, attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir, and Bentzi Gopshtain, that they will be permitted to protest in 'Ara village this Monday. The protest will be located 120 meters away from the house of terrorist Nasha'at Melhem's parents.

Nasha'at Melhem was the terrorist who murdered two people and injured seven others, on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv, this past January. The two who were murdered were Alon Bakal and Shimon Ruimi. During his escape, Melhem also murdered Muslim taxi driver Amen Shabban.

Rightist activists requested to hold a demonstration protesting the support and help which Melhem received from residents of the village, while he hid in the area during and after his escape.

As stated, the police opposed and refused to allow the demonstration, since they claimed that demonstrating within the village may cause tumult, commotion, and disturb order, on a wide scale. The right wing activists appealed the the High Court, and the sides came to an agreement that would allow the activists to demonstrate 130 meters from the family's house, and to enter into the territory of the village. However, under the agreement, the activists will not be allowed to parade into the village.

This evening, the police announced their final decision, allowing the demonstration to take place next Monday.However, limits were placed on the activists, including number of participants, and a ban on carrying weapons. Hundreds of police officers will be on hand to provide security for the demonstration, and the village is organizing a large anti-demonstration, in an attempt to prevent the Jews from entering the village.

Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir said, "We are coming to the village to fight a lack of loyalty, and we would like to make clear that anyone who helped Melhem, is not welcome here. The threats from this village will not scare us, and we will demonstrate with pride against anyone who wishes to destroy the State of Israel."

Bentzi Gopshtain said, "We are coming to demonstrate, not to fight, but we will not turn the other cheek to anyone who wishes to harm us. We are the homeowners of the State of Israel, and the residents of this village need to understand that they need to demonstrate loyalty to the country."