The director of Sheba hospital, Professor Yitzchak Kreiss, stated on Wednesday afternoon that there is a slight improvement in the condition of the ninth President of Israel, Shimon Peres.
"After 24 hours of intensive treatment of Mr. Peres, I can say that despite the fact that he is in serious but stable condition, there is a certain improvement. He is a little more alert - we believe that his neurological condition is a little better. He is still sedated and on a respirator. He is stable with regard to all other parameters," said Kreiss.
He added that "We are doing all in our power to do the best and to look after him from a medical and clinical perspective. We will continue to mסnitor him and to take note of his condition. We will update this evening and tomorrow morning. I can say that even though we need to wait and see, there is an improvement and that is good."
Professor Rafi Walden, Peres's personal physician and son-in-law, added that "I just came from Peres's side. After we intentionally reduced the amount of anaesthesia I am happy to say that he responded very well to me. He understood what was said to me, shook my hand warmly and we are under the impression that his state of consciousness is significantly improved in relation to what it was a few hours ago.
"We will continue to anesthetize him, not because his neurological condition requires it but because it will be easier for him. He is under light anaesthesia which can be stopped at any time and allows him complete rest in order to enable his brain to recover from the stroke," said Walden.