Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday took to Twitter to hail the new pro-Israel Republican party platform.
“The Republican platform is most pro-Israel of all time!” he tweeted, in a post that received more than 6,000 likes.
The new platform, the language of which was approved by the Republican Party's Platform Committee on Tuesday, omits references to a “two-state solution” to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
It also rejects “the false notion that Israel is an occupier” and describes Jerusalem as Israel’s “indivisible” capital.
The changes to the platform reflect the positions of Trump, who said this past March that he would recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the American embassy there if elected.
Trump has been consistent in his support for Israel. Recently, when asked during a campaign rally about the United States “wasting money on Zionist Israel”, he replied, “Well, let me just tell you Israel is a very, very important ally of the United States, and we are going to protect them 100 percent. 100 percent.”
Israel, added Trump, has “been our most reliable—it’s our true friend over there, and we’re going to protect Israel 100 percent.”
Earlier Wednesday, Attorney Marc Zell, who chairs the Republican Party's Israel branch, praised the new platform.
"After 25 years, finally a new version has been accepted [with reference to Israel], which rejects the two-states for two peoples solution and embraces Israel," Zell told Arutz Sheva.
"We never imagined such a pro-Israel platform. Even the Jewish establishment tried to block it, but it was so touching yesterday to see 112 young people stand up and applaud [the change]," he added.