Education Minister Naftali Bennett announced Monday morning that he has accepted the recommendation of the Lifetime Achievement Award panel, making haredi entertainer Shuli Rand this year's winner of the ministerial award for Jewish culture, recognizing Rand's achievements in theater, film, and music.
Rand was voted the award by a panel comprised of Channel 20 Chairman Motti Shklar, Editor Yossi Alitov of the Hamishpachah magazine and Devorah Kitzis of the Israel Broadcasting Authority.
"Rand was very excited to hear the news," a spokesperson from the Education Ministry said following the announcement.
Bennett praised Rand's groundbreaking work as a haredi actor and founder of the Jewish Theater of Jerusalem.
"Shuli Rand proves that art cross all boundaries and social groups, that talent breaks through preconcieved notions."
"Shuli Rand is a symbol of smashing barriers and breaking with convention. He is able to show the beauty of Judaism through performance that reaches everyone, in every community.
The Education Ministry's annual Jewish Culture award is given to individuals who have made noteworthy contributions in the performing arts, literature, and film.