Kenneth Abramowitz
Kenneth AbramowitzArutz Sheva TV

Arutz Sheva was on hand to talk to Kenneth Abramowitz, co-founder of NGN Capital and founder of a blog about the threats facing the West called, at the Israel Day event on Sunday. His comments can be seen at 6:00 in the video below.

According to Abramowitz, important issues are not being properly addressed in the media and therefore Americans are not appropriately educated. With regard to the Iranian “so-called” agreement, he points out that most Americans are unaware that their government sent approximately 10 billion dollars to Iran.

“America has become the number one financier of terrorism in the world today. Americans do not know that. Americans would be outraged to hear that,” said Abramowitz.

Focusing on the upcoming elections, Abramowitz illustrated the importance of choosing the best candidate.

“I divide the world into good and evil… and Hillary is evil. Trump by definition becomes good or as close to good as you get”, he said noting how Hilary would be a repeat of president Obama’s failed administration. “We do not need another four to eight years of failure.”

“Democrats and Republicans come and go, but the friendship between Israel and America should be strong whoever is in power,” he concluded.