
The far-left NGO ‘Ir Amim’ filed an appeal on Thursday with the Supreme Court following a lower court decision permitting the annual ‘Rikudgalim’ march on Jerusalem Day to pass through the Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem.

The annual event, held on the anniversary of the liberation of the Old City in 1967, follows the route Israeli infantry took during the battle for Jerusalem. The march culminates in a festive celebration at the Western Wall.

The Ir Amim organization, which favors splitting Jerusalem, claims the annual march threatens Arab residents of the Old City, and has demanded the Supreme Court intervene to alter its route. Representatives of Ir Amim have made similar appeals in past years.

Organizers of the Rikudgalim march responded to the appeal in a written statement.

“Those filing the appeal are radical leftists whose goal is to separate and exclude Jews from parts of the Old City of the united Jerusalem. We’re certain that, just as in previous years, this provocative appeal will be rejected [by the court]. We’re working [towards something] positive, not negative, and we’ll continue to celebrate Jerusalem’s holiday with the Rikudgalim all across the capital.”

This year the Rikudgalim march will be held early, following requests by Israeli police, who noted that the Islamic month of Ramadan begins just hours after the planned event.

Festivities will begin in the center of town at 4:00 p.m., while the annual Rikudgalim march to the Old City will commence at 5:30. Beginning at 6:30, travel from Kikar Tzahal near city hall to Damascus Gate will be blocked due to the beginning of Ramadan.