A haredi man from Beit Shemesh aged around 40 was arrested on Wednesday morning, on suspicions that he threatened and shouted at three 15-year-old girls who walked around in clothes that he considered to be "immodest."
The girls complained to the police on Tuesday, telling them that as they walked on a street in one of the neighborhoods in Beit Shemesh, the suspect spotted them and started shouting at them and threatening them due to their clothing.
Met with the shouts and threats the three 15-year-olds became terrified, and started crying and running in panic.
In light of the report, the police opened a quick investigation that located the suspect and led to his arrest on Wednesday morning.
Under investigation he connected himself to the incident, and on Wednesday morning he is to be brought in for a hearing at the Beit Shemesh Magistrate's Court.
The Beit Shemesh district police commander said, "the police will enable any citizen whoever they may be to live with a feeling of security, and to know that at any given moment and given place they can receive the services of the police."
"The police will act with all of the means at its disposal in order to impose these principles and will carry out its obligation to serve all citizens without bias."