Doctor Naftali Fish is a licensed clinical psychologist and hypnotherapist in Jerusalem
He has been developing a Torah based role for psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. He spoke to Arutz Sheva at the Tahel conference that took place in Jerusalem last week.
“The era of denial has been broken,” Fish related. “People are here to talk about the issues and that is a huge step forward for Am Yisrael.”
Fish urged that not only openness is needed but speed is an imperative when dealing with issues of violence and abuse, especially within families. “When we talk about violence within the family, it is important to talk about it as soon as possible.”
Fish recalled a story of a newly married couple, where the wife found out after only a month into the marriage that the husband had control issues and was violent towards her. The wife “correctly”, in Fish’s opinion, sought help from the Rebbetzin who contacted him and referred the couple to him. He began treatment immediately.
“It’s important to deal with it then, and not wait for a number of years and end up at a miklat (shelter) for women,” Fish admonished. “Today we see a greater awareness that the problem has to be dealt with quickly and not to worry about what other people think, and that is extremely important,” he concluded.