Arab terrorists on early Friday afternoon conducting a drive-by shooting attack on an Israeli car near Kochav Hashachar in the Binyamin district of Samaria just north of Jerusalem, and likewise a police officer was wounded in Jerusalem, all apparently in "revenge" for an arson attack.
The terrorists, driving in a car with Palestinian Authority (PA) licenses plates, opened fire on the car before fleeing the scene. Fortunately no one was wounded in the attack.
The IDF has launched a search to track down the shooter, and has likewise placed roadblocks in the area as part of the search effort.
Two bullet-holes were found on the Israeli car.
At the same time police and Border Patrol forces were attacked by Arab terrorists with rocks and firebombs in the Old City of Jerusalem.
One police officer was lightly wounded by glass shards from the Molotov cocktails that hit his face. One Arab terrorist was arrested in the incident and brought in for investigation.
The attacks occurred just hours after an arson attack took place in the Arab village of Duma in Samaria, killing an infant and wounding four family members. The IDF has indicated Jewish extremists may have been behind the attack due to Hebrew graffiti found scrawled at the site.
It would appear the shooting attack was a case of Arab "revenge" for the attack, which comes after Arab MKs and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) terror group accused Israel and Israeli society of being responsible for the arson.
Likewise PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas said Friday he would sue Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC) over the arson, even though the identity of the perpetrators remains unknown.