The anti-assimilation organization Lehava, headed by director Bentzi Gopshtain, has called on the public to rally and block missionary attempts in the heart of Jerusalem, ahead of a massive missionary conference this Wednesday.
The conference, which will be held for three days at the First Station compound, aims to provide an "annual meeting of youths from around the world, to seek the heart of the Lord (Jesus) through praise, prayer, study and connection," according to postings on Facebook by the Christian organizers of the event.
"The goal is always to come with a ready heart to meet with the presence of the Lord, and to give ourselves to Him fully," wrote the organizers.
Responding to the major event, Gopshtain said, "I call on all those who care about the (Jewish) character of the Holy City to join us in a protest on this Wednesday at 7 p.m. opposite the conference at the First Station compound in Jerusalem."
"We won't let the Holy City be turned into the missionary city," pledged the Lehava director.
Jerusalem Councilman Arieh King has contacted Mayor Nir Barkat requesting that he act to cancel the conference, which is part of missionary attempts to bring Jews away from their faith.
"In invitations to the conference it was written that the conference will take place in a property owned by the municipality and managed by the company Ariel through a private grantee," explained King in his request to Barkat.
King said that his "United Jerusalem faction, which raises the banner of 'Judaizing' Jerusalem, views the organizations taking part in the conference as dangerous organizations to the Jewish people in general and to Jerusalem in particular."