Israel will be gone in eight years, according to one Hamas official.
Fathi Hamad, Hamas's Interior Minister, claimed in a speech honoring the anniversary of Operation Cast Lead that "Palestine" would replace the Jewish State by 2022.
Hamad noted in his speech that the Palestinian Arabs, according to Islamic prophecies, will enter the Al Aqsa Mosque "in jubilation and victory like they entered it the first time". He said that Israel has failed in previous wars waged against the Palestinians, while the Palestinians are progressing nationally towards the stage where they are capable of conquering Jerusalem.
After the "liberation" of Al-Aqsa Mosque, said Hamad, the "Hittin" system will prevail. That statement refers to he means by which Saladin conquered the Land of Israel against the Crusaders, in particular during the Battle of Hittin/Hattin; namely, by slaughtering or enslaving the non-Muslim forces arrayed against him.
"We'll destroy the enemy," Hamad assured his audience, noting that achieving that goal would take "eight years." Hamad also claimed that the Palestinians are at the stage of readiness for "jihad and martyrdom in the way of Allah".
Hamas has threatened Israel's existence constantly, reiterating in November its oft-stated threats of genocide.
"[You] Zionists, you have no place on the land of Palestine ... we shall expel you from our land and we will fight against you on it [on the land], we will kill you or expel you from it when you are submissive," Hamas parliamentarian Khalil Al-Hayya stated. "The jihad and the martyrdom in the way of Allah are our road and our track which are meant to fulfill our triumphs and fulfill and protect our [Muslim] nation."