MK Moshe Feiglin
MK Moshe FeiglinIsrael news photo: Flash 90

MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud Beytenu) linked Sunday between violent Bedouin Arab protests Saturday regarding the Prawer Plan for legalizing Bedouin settlements. 

“I have been following the Praver Bill as a member of the Committee of Interior, since I entered the Knesset,” said Feiglin. “The state of Israel's weakness and flaccidity vis-a-vis the Bedouin – who have not proven ownership of even a single centimeter of and in 40 years – is a story that will take me too long to detail.

"The state is offering them 250,000 dunams (over 60,000 acres) and it is not enough. Just for the sake of proportion: since the state was founded, it has developed less than a million dunams for residence. The Bedouin are being offered a quarter of that at a single go, on top of generous monetary compensation, for what they actually stole.”

Feiglin added: “Instead of declaring that there are no more claims of ownership, giving the state full rights over its land again, and selling the land – for the sake of the Bedouins themselves, the ones who did not steal – the state adopts the pose of the apologetic guest, and this is the result.”

MK Feiglin stated his oft-repeated conviction that the loss of Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount is the root problem. “Poet Uri Tzvi Greenberg said, 'He who controls the Mount, controls the land.' The weakness did not begin in the Negev. The source is the Temple Mount. The takeover of the Temple Mount by Muslim rioting groups is the root of this round of violence, which apparently is only starting.

"If there is no Mount, there is no Home, he said [the Hebrew name for the Temple Mount is Har Habayit, which literally means 'the Mount of the House,' or Home – ed.] – not in the Negev, nor anywhere else in the Land of Israel. If we do not return full sovereignty to ourselves on the Mount, the Negev is just the beginning.”