Shimon Peres, John Kerry and Mahmoud Abbas at
Shimon Peres, John Kerry and Mahmoud Abbas atFlash 90

The Palestinian Authority has announced that it intends to disburse millions of dollars among 5,000 former terror prisoners who served five years or more in Israeli jails. The grants are termed “respectable life grants.”

According to Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), the head of the department of statistics in the PA's Prisoners Ministry, Abd-el Nasser Farwana, said that the grants would total “15 million American dollars.”

The initiative to give “American dollars” to the former prisoners – most of them convicted terrorists – was reported in the PA's official newspaper on the same day in which the US announced it would transfer $148M to the PA for its general budget.

PMW added that beside the “respectable life grants,” the PA continues to use its budget for other terror-supporting activity. These include glorification of terrorists, monthly salaries to terrorists as they serve their sentences in Israeli jails, and salaries to freed terrorists.

In August, France also signed a deal with the PA, promising 9 million euros to the PA's general budget.

In July, a PMW report exposed a picture that appeared on an official Fatah Facebook page, glorifying five of the suicide bombings that killed 61 "Zionists." All five had been planned by arch-terrorist Abdallah Barghouti.

The graphic was posted by the administrator of the official Facebook page of the Enlistment and Organization Commission of Fatah. Barghouti was honored as the "brave prisoner" and his attacks as "self-sacrificing activity" and "Martyrdom-seeking operations."