A faithful Jew prays regularly at the gateway to the Temple Mount, and returns when detained by police. Now the court has told the officers to leave him alone to pray in peace.
A faithful Jew prays regularly at the gateway to the Temple Mount – and now he will be able to pray there for good, thanks to an appeal by Honenu in Jerusalem District Court.
Dan Tabul’s routine was often interrupted by Arab mobs who would gather, shouting at him, “Allahu Akbar!” (G-d is the Greatest).
Police detained him for disturbing the peace. But he returned to the site.
In a petition to the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, police requested that Tabul be banned from Jerusalem’s Old City altogether – but the request was denied.
Instead, the court issued a restraining order barring Tabul from the site at a distance of 55 yards (50 meters) from the Temple Mount gate.
But Tabul appealed the ruling in the Jerusalem District Court with the assistance of the Honenu organization, unwilling to be distanced from his station near the holiest site in the Jewish faith.
Following the appeal, Tabul was freed from any restraining order, and has been allowed to continue praying at the same location.
“If anyone disturbed the peace, it was the mob of Arabs on the [Temple] Mount,” he observed.