Smashed windshield
Smashed windshieldcourtesy of Yesha Council, Avraham Weiss

One Israeli was injured and at least five vehicles were damaged Monday in rock attacks near Beit Ummar in Judea.

Israeli motorists traveling on Highway 60 past the Judean Arab village of Beit Ummar came under attack Monday in a spate of road terror that has struck the same area numerous times over the past several weeks.

One person was lightly injured and at least five vehicles were damaged in the attacks, with Palestinian Authority Arabs hurling rocks at passing motorists.

Beit Ummar is located south of Jerusalem, between Gush Etzion and Kiryat Arba.

It has been a hotbed of terrorist activity, and rock terror attacks against passing Israeli motorists is not unusual. Likewise, there have been numerous riots in the village, with Arab mobs aiming rocks, bottles and firebombs at Israeli soldiers.

On Saturday, Arabs clashed with IDF troops near Beit Ummar, hurling rocks and wounding at least one Israeli soldier in the head.

One of the rioting Arabs was also wounded when Israeli soldiers responded by firing at the victim's legs when he tried to block an IDF medic from reaching the injured soldier. The wounded Arab was evacuated to Jerusalem's Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center. The soldier was treated the scene.