FranceFlash 90

In France, the Chief Rabbi of Lyon has received a threatening letter together with menacing photos.

Chief Rabbi Richard Wertenschlag said in a complaint filed in court on Wednesday that he also received photos of Jewish children in World War II being marched off to Nazi death camps.

The rabbi reported the threats, described in a report published in the French daily Le Progres,  to the police.

The letter and the photos, post-marked on August 10, arrived the following day at the Great Synagogue of Lyon, according to the rabbi.

The complaint was sent to the public prosecutor's office in Paris, and then advanced to the anti-terror division and Criminal Investigation Bureau of Lyon.

Signed “The Just Network,” the letter stated: “More and more often, we have the idea of apologizing to the Jew for the so-called Shoah (Holocaust) and the evil Palestinians imposed on us. From now on we'll punish a Jew (…) every time you come on the television to complain.”

The photos attached to the letter “prove that the Jews were well treated in Germany, fed and housed in holiday accommodation for children,” stated the author of the missive.

"In light of the potentially serious and threatening prospects for the security of our community, I filed a complaint with the local authorities,” Wertenschlag said in a statement to the media.

The rabbi, who is the author of "Pluralite des Judaismes; Unite du Peuple Juif?" and is a noted community leader, added that he has received anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist letters “quite frequently,” and sees “a non-stop proliferation of anti-Semitic sentiment in this country.”