Due to a spike in violence committed by Sudanese infiltrators throughout Israel, the Neighborhood Guard will begin offering courses in self defense nationwide, according to Guard chairman Baruch Marzel.
"Thus far we our activity has been successful in southern Tel Aviv, where our volunteers instructed the residents in self defense," he said. "Now we will fan out to additional locations."
Marzel – a ubiquitous nationalist super-activist who has recently led protests from Nazareth to Jerusalem to Ben Gurion Airport – said that it is unthinkable that after 2,000 years in the Diaspora, Jews should live in fear within the Land of Israel. "After all, that is how it started in Brooklyn when Rav [Meir] Kahane started the Jewish Defense League. Regrettably, the same thing is happening today in the Land of Israel."
"We train women, children and men and the goal is to show more presence on the streets, nowadays people are afraid to walk the streets. So we have opened courses in Pardes Katz, Ashdod, Ashkelon and Eilat."